Uma reação alérgica sistémica é o que vos pretendo oferecer.
A reação anafilática pode ser provocada por quantidades minúsculas da substância alergénica e o tipo mais grave de anafilaxia — o choque anafilático — poderá terminar em morte caso não seja tratado.
Não o tratem, entrem no jogo!

quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2012

Carta de amor

Dear Layla
For nothing more than the pleasures past I would sacrifice my family, my god and my own existence, and still you will not move. I am at the end of my mind, I cannot go back and there is nothing tomorrow (save you) that can attract me beyond today. I have listened to the wind, I have watched the dark brooding clouds, I have felt the earth beneath me for a sign, a gesture, but there is only silence. Why do you hesitate, am I a poor lover, am I ugly, am I too weak, too strong, do you know why? If you want me, take me, I am yours…  if you don´t want me, please break the spell that binds me. ‘To cage a wild animal is a sin, to tame him is divine’ my love is yours.
Eric Clapton

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